COVID-19 Response

  • Transition to online learning telehealth experiences beginning in March 2020 until Summer 2021 (including telesupervision, Zoom classes, utilizing Theravue to practice essential counseling skills, collecting field placement hours on the Time2Track platform, and online learning platforms on Moodle and Canvas)
  • Navigating, collaborating, and consulting with other professionals in the field(s) regarding emerging legal and ethical considerations inherent to telehealth/remote learning/counseling
  • Supporting ever-changing field experiences (remote, hybrid, in-person models) for clinical mental health, school counseling, and school psychology trainees while implementing as much flexibility as possible
  • Emphasis on professional development and independent study thanks to the plethora of online trainings made available during the pandemic
  • Developing unique and creative adaptations to existing curriculum to decrease the amount of disparity between trainee field experiences
  • Increased attention to trainee mental health needs, including increased support and “check-ins” to decrease psychological stress
  • Integrating self-care into course work, educating trainees on the critical importance of self-care (especially during a pandemic), and advocating for self-care among all trainees
  • Creation of new interprogram social engagement activities and intercohort communications to maintain peer connections while remaining socially distant and in appropriate quarantine environments
  • Increased communication, professional development opportunities, and facilitation of metasupervision groups for field supervisors
  • Troubleshooting supervision needs and mentoring relationships for interns and trainees who are early in their program